2021 Lodge Banquet Awards

The O-Shot-Caw Lodge Banquet took place March 5-7, 2021 at Camp Elmore. Despite the rain, there were over 200 people who attended for fun, fellowship, and to recognize our Lodge Members for their service to others. In addition to recognizing the leaders of the LEC, the following brothers received recognition at the event.
Exceptional First Year Arrowman Award
Alexander Hand
Ericka Casco
Colby Benjamin
Emily Khan
Andrea Marron
Hannah Casco
Ethan Wolfe
Anthony Perez
Michael Perez
Mae Lynn Wensing
Matthew Banich
Hal Hollis Outstanding
Arrowman Award
Benjamin Pinkley
Founders Award
Fred Kimball
Vincent Cosomano
Vigil Honor Class of 2021
Jacob Price
Noah Cihal
Adam Ramirez
Harrison Treco
Alex Nogueiras
Ely Casco
Garry Taylor Jr.
Andre “Poncho” Perez
Meritorious Service Award
Brady Borchert
Andrea Marron
Kaden Ovcarich
Sebastian Gomez
Amanda Esposito
Ben Jarrell
Wayne Fogle
Frank Casco
Yamilet Torres
Ray Swift
James E. West Fellowship Award
Barry Schwartzman
Carson Engelmann
Hornaday Award
Michael Hoff – Hornaday Badge, earned as a Scout
Stan Hoff – Hornaday Bronze Medal, earned as a Scout in 1960; and earned Hornaday Gold Badge, as an adult Scouter
Debbie Baker Robinson – Hornaday Gold Badge, for service to the DIRT Patrol
Alex Nogueiras – Hornaday Gold Badge, for leadership to the DIRT Patrol