2022 Section Conference (Deadline 4/1)
Our Section Leadership Team and host lodge Semialachee are excited for the 2022 Section Conference and we hope you are too! The conference will take place on April 8-10 at Wallwood Scout Reservation in Quincy, FL.
Please note we are now part of Section E5 (formerly S-4)
Registration and the online trading post are now OPEN.
On-time registration is $45 until March 25th. Late registration closes April 1st.
Please promote this exciting event with your lodge membership. Semialachee Lodge has been hard at work planning and preparing to host our 7 lodges Wallwood.
Thanks for your continued leadership and support to Scouting, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Registration: https://scoutingevent.com/664-S4Conference
Trading Post: https://councilstuff.com/664-E5_2022?category=2787
We will have O-Shot-Caw SWAG details soon.