2023 Section Leadership Summit

OA Section Leadership Summit
Camp Flying Eagle

REGSITERE AT: https://www.swflcouncilbsa.org/registration/calendardetail.aspx?activitykey=2983786&orgkey=347&ReturnURL=//www.swflcouncilbsa.org/app/calendar/month/347/2023-11-01/-1/0/

Join your fellow brothers at the 2023 Section E5 Leadership Summit.  Arrowmen from across the state of Florida will gather at Camp Flying Eagle for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and innovative training.

The cost of registration is:  $40 by 10/21/2023 after 10/22/2023 there is a $10 late fee.  
Registration cost includes meals and 1 event patch; more patches maybe purchased at the time of registration.


$40.00 per Youth (under 18)
$40.00 per Youth (18 – 20)
$40.00 per Adult (21+)


After 10/22/2023 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Youth (under 18) Registrants.
After 10/22/2023 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Youth (18 – 20) Registrants.
After 10/22/2023 a fee of $10.00 will apply to all Adult (21+) Registrants.