Lodge Banquet 2012
O-Shot-Caw Lodge held the annual lodge banquet on the weekend of March 2-4, 2012. The weekend started off with a great Brotherhood Bash done by the Hnu-Ra-Con chapter. Where we tried to dissolve an Alka seltzer tablet on our opponents nekclace with water blasters, if it dissolved you lost. We had 14 brothers seal their ties in brotherhood that evening.
Early next morning we sent a group of brothers over to the Traz Powell Stadium at Dade Community College, to help set up for the 30th annual Winter Special Olympics we help set up the main stage as well as a few fences that needed repair. We were able to finish those tasks before lunch and were back be-fore the chapter games started. All of this was being done as the remainder of the lodge was still at the banquet receiving training at seminars put on by other brothers. The games started almost right after lunch. These games are modeled after the ones that will take place at the Section S-4 Conference. This included Lodge Ball, an alteration of dodge ball, Volley ball, Tug-O-War, and breaking a completely frozen t-shirt open in order to wear. These games went on well into the afternoon just up until the patch auction started. This patch auction was fundraiser for those going to NOAC this summer and it was a huge success as it raised over one thousand dollars toward the trip to Michigan State University.
Later that night, after a terrific dinner cooked and served by PoocaΓÇôTooka Chapter, we held the award ceremony where Exceptional First Year Arrowman, and The Founders Award were handed out. This year the Founders award went Jonathan Yost, and Moose Pederson. After this the Vigil Honor Committee pre-sented its names of candidates, and of them were An-drew Crowe, Gabe Gutierrez, Chris Alvarez, Jonathan McEwan, Andres Badel, and Frank Gamez.
The following day a beautiful interfaith service was done Gokhos Chapter. Fol-lowed by the lodge business meeting, and then we showed our understanding of Leave No Trace as we cleaned up the campsite that was set for over two hundred people. That weekend will surely be one to remember as we ready our-selves for the Section S-4 Conference soon approaching.