New Districts mean New Chapters
As our Districts were realigned in January 2020, our chapters have also realigned and renamed themselves. The following names were approved by the LEC on September 17, 2020.
The Northern Broward District is now known as Sawgrass District. The chapters of Elgixin and Gokhus north of I-595 will be merging and are retaining the name Elgixin which translates as Worthy One.
The Southern Broward District is now known as Panther District. The Gokhus chapter south of I-595 and Paldani chapter are merging into the new Kuwa Chobee chapter which translates as Big Cat.
The Northern Dade District is now known as Phoenix District. Tomoka, Pooca-Tooka, O-Shot-Co-Chee and To-Hopki-Lagi (North of Coral Way) are merging into the new Totika Fuswa chapter which translates as Fire Bird.
The Southern Dade District is now known as Everglades District. Hnu-ra-con and To-Hopki-Lagi (South of Coral Way) are merging into the new Pah-Ha-Yo-Kee chapter which translates as Everglades.
Monroe County will remain Bucaneer District and Nok-Su chapter will retain their name which translates as Gray Winged Gull