No On-Site Registration for Lodge Events
Please note that there is no On-Site Registration for any lodge events. Registration for events closes on the Friday one week before the event starts to allow our cook team and staff to purchase supplies and be ready for the event.
This includes the following items:
Winter Ordeal and Annual Passes
Lodge Banquet
Summer Ordeal
Fall Ordeal
Fellowship at the Haunted Forest
In addition – any other event that offers pre-registration (Section Summit, Section Conference, etc.) will not be extended by O-Shot-Caw Lodge for online registration once registration opens. If you receive emails from the Section stating otherwise, please know that we will adhere to the deadlines we set to avoid confusion and ensure that we have time to submit our payments to the event on time. Section events usually offer an On-Site registration that you can pay directly to them, but will not receive any items from the Lodge unless there are extras available for purchase after all Pre-Registered Brothers have received their items.
Please be sure that your chapter members and Ordeal Candidates are aware of this information early enough to register for each event online.
The Chief, Membership, Ordeal and Brotherhood Committees, and Cook Team appreciate your support.