Register now for NOAC 2022!
The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) is the flagship national Order of the Arrow event. It is held every two years at a major university campus and is typically attended by as many as 8,000 Arrowmen from all 50 states. It is second only to the BSA National Jamboree in size and scope. . We expect a minimum of 6,000 Arrowmen to attend in 2022.
Join us for an eventful week at the University of Tennessee, July 25-30, 2022. Many more details to follow.
There will be several exciting side trips and events. But we need to know who is going!!!
Anyone registering ON OR BEFORE Sept 13 will be guaranteed a spot as part of the O-Shot-Caw contingent.
Anyone registering AFTER Sept 13 will be placed on a Wait List.
If you are part of the Ceremonies Team and you plan to compete at NOAC 2022, you need to register NOW!!.
If you are part of the Dance Team and you plan to compete at NOAC 2022, you need to register NOW!!
If you want to protect our National Flag Football Title at NOAC 2022, you need to register NOW!!
Total cost is expected be approximately $1400. This amount may be subject to change as we get more information from NOAC and we develop our travel plans.
To be part of the O-Shot-Caw Contingent, you will need to make an initial deposit of $100 to hold your slot. You will be expected to make at least a $100 payment each month until you have paid the total amount.
There are no changes in our policy from NOAC 2020. Everyone is expected to pay the fee in full. Adults must be paid in full by all deadlines set by the Contingent Adviser or they will be dropped from the contingent.
Please Click Here to contact the NOAC 2022 Chairman for more details.